[PDF] Molecular Virology of Human Pathogenic Viruses (2017) by Wang-Shick Ryu



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  • Authors: Wang-Shick Ryu


Written by a pioneer in critical care ultrasound, this book discusses the basic technique and โ€œsignaturesโ€ of lung ultrasound and explains its main clinical applications. The tools and clinical uses of the BLUE protocol, which allows diagnosis of most cases of acute respiratory failure, are first described in detail. Careful attention is then devoted to protocols derived from the BLUE protocol โ€“ the FALLS protocol for diagnosis and management of acute circulatory failure, the Pink protocol for use in ARDS, and the SESAME protocol for use in cardiac arrest โ€“ and to the LUCI-FLR program, a means of answering clinical questions while reducing radiation exposure. Finally, the book discusses all the possible settings in which lung ultrasound can be used, discipline by discipline and condition by condition. Lung Ultrasound in the Critically Ill comprehensively explains how ultrasound can become the stethoscope of modern medicine. It is a superb complement to the authorโ€™s previous book, Whole Body Ultrasonography in the Critically Ill.


Far more info than one needs. OK not if you are a student of course. I knew this when I ordered it so no suprise there. But man I do wish our MD doctors would get with the program and offer treatment for this condition or at least acknowledge it. In the 90’s I was told it’s cosmetic. I heard that into the 2000’s. They would offer me a mild diuretic and those who know even then…they do not work with this condition. They may dry up your eyes and suck real water weight or retention such as period gain but it does nothing for pitting edema which is lymph waste that is not being removed by your body as it should for what ever reason had happened to cause this. And so much more could be offered to the patient if they just admitted it to themselves…it is anything but cosmetic. It can and does often lead to ulcerated sores and hard to heal skin lesions which can also lead to extreme pain and misery and worse life threatening infections or allow secondary infections to develop. I was sent to a dermatologist once during one of these skin eruptions and was told no you just have dry skin that is not edema related. Lets see I’ve had over a dozen such episodes now and it never responds to lotion for dry skin they like to sell or prescribe to you. Only antibiotic cremes and pain relief ingredients in some of those help with the severe burning and itch and pain and also help to calm it down where it can heal. I do challenge the medical field and so called MD’s who still after 20 years with this condition claim it’s only cosmetic. Really sores and open wounds are only cosmetic? So sorry I disagree. I also disagree that the swelling and severe swelling and buising due to that and other complications due to the retention of this waste in your body that leads to deformity and pain and though yes ugly…as it is….it is not cosmetic it is medical and needs someone to pay attention especially the AMA. Meantime it is books like this we who find our selves years into the condtion searching for and looking at to help us get some control or learn some maintence techinques or just shed light on it. This book does help in that respect. It is a bit much but it is comprehensive and it does throw all severe lymph edema diseases and conditions together to some extent and you are left sorting through or skipping some sections unless of course you are a student in the field learning this material. I bought a used manual and it was in like new condition so if you do choose a buyer with good ratings. It often works out well. My seller also included 4 extra DVD sets about this condtion just threw them in and WOW that was nice. First one did not play so I will have to investigate why not. But have yet to try the others. The book however has a wealth if information and some you need to tease out for your own application and use. But it’s as one might refer to not for the faint of heart. It had details and graphics that can be quite shocking at times. I would give it 5 stars if a book like this would either have a strong section on looking at general trauma caused lymphedema with materials specific to how to excercise and what to avoid to improve and not make worse. No one knows the real reason it happens after an accident or trauma but it does. I think a lot of people are interested and the medical world continues to ignore it if they can.

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