[PDF] Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Trauma at a Glance 2nd Edition (2011) by Catherine Swales



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 19.44 MB
  • Authors: Catherine Swales


Designed to reflect the latest MRCPCH examination questions, this book provides a unique and varied selection of clinical cases and their associated explanations. The 100 cases cover all the subspecialties of paediatrics with particular emphasis on paediatric neurology. Each case is clearly and comprehensively explained, many being illustrated with neuro-imaging, X-rays, EEGs and photographs. The discussion section for each case directs the reader to other information sources including textbooks, journals, websites, and courses where relevant. Practical and easy to use, this book is an essential tool for all candidates studying for the Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH) Part II examinations in the UK and Ireland and also a useful resource for paediatricians training and working in hospitals. The reader is given guidance on answering examination questions but the information contained within the book should also enhance their knowledge of paediatric medicine. Dr Nagi Barakat has written several popular books to help paediatrics pass their exams including 400 MCQs in Paediatrics for MRCPCH Part 1.


Good information but not as specific as I had hoped.

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