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- Authors: Remi Nader
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The book has been substantially revised and updated, making it even more a patient-oriented publication with challenging contributions on advanced treatment modalities, including gene therapy, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.The book clearly demonstrates the current position of transfusion medicine, bridging the bedside withthe community.Those experienced and interested in the field of transfusion medicine as well as those who want to explore the field are urged to use this comprehensive, patient-oriented book on the principles of transfusion medicine for the continued development and improvement of their practices, including the teaching and mentoring of students and learners. This jubilee edition brings the reader right in the middle of this exiting, but still young and rapidly expanding, field of health sciences – transfusion medicine. (International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine review- November 2016)”The book’s greatest strength is its section on apheresis, transplantation and new therapeutic methods, which introduces the reader to a number of areas at the frontier of medicine…It is still slanted towards the USA, but also has much to offer practitioners in transfusion medicine and clinicians with an interest in transfusion medicine in other countries.” (The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association 24/02/2017) From the Inside Flap Transfusion medicine as a multidisciplinary clinical specialty allied to blood banking continues to be a dynamic and increasingly complex evolution. Patients who require blood transfusions generally fall into two categories: those requiring transfusions resulting from acute blood loss that might be associated with surgery or accident; or those requiring chronic transfusions associated with treatment for chronic anaemias, chemotherapy, or bone marrow transplant. As such transfusion medicine impacts all areas of critical care medicine, and multiple areas of chronic care. Rossi’s Principles of Transfusion Medicine is the most comprehensive and practical reference on transfusion science and medicine available. Now updated for a fifth edition with new material on donor care – including the frequency of donation and management of iron deficiency/status, patient blood management, hemovigilance, and the novel cellular therapies and stem cell transplantation. This is a key resource for specialists and trainees in transfusion medicine and blood banking, as well as physicians, nurses, and medical technologists active in the transfusion of patients. This edition; Compiled by a world class Editor team including two past-presidents of AABB, a past- President of the American Board of Pathology and members of the FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee, and international contributor team Covers current hot topics such as donor care – including the frequency of donation and management of iron deficiency/status), patient blood management, hemovigilance, and the organization of transfusion and transplant services Presents new material on molecular immunohematology Companion website includes figures, full text and references Update your practice with this comprehensive reference resource, considered the gold standard in transfusion medicine. From the Back Cover Transfusion medicine as a multidisciplinary clinical specialty allied to blood banking continues to be a dynamic and increasingly complex evolution. Patients who require blood transfusions generally fall into two categories: those requiring transfusions resulting from acute blood loss that might be associated with surgery or accident; or those requiring chronic transfusions associated with treatment for chronic anaemias, chemotherapy, or bone marrow transplant. As such transfusion medicine impacts all areas of critical care medicine, and multiple areas of chronic care. Rossi’s Principles of Transfusion Medicine is the most comprehensive and practical reference on transfusion science and medicine available. Now updated for a fifth edition with new material on donor care – including the frequency of donation and management of iron deficiency/status, patient blood management, hemovigilance, and the novel cellular therapies and stem cell transplantation. This is a key resource for specialists and trainees in transfusion medicine and blood banking, as well as physicians, nurses, and medical technologists active in the transfusion of patients. This edition; Compiled by a world class Editor team including two past-presidents of AABB, a past- President of the American Board of Pathology and members of the FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee, and international contributor team Covers current hot topics such as donor care – including the frequency of donation and management of iron deficiency/status), patient blood management, hemovigilance, and the organization of transfusion and transplant services Presents new material on molecular immunohematology Companion website includes figures, full text and references Update your practice with this comprehensive reference resource, considered the gold standard in transfusion medicine. About the Author Dr. Toby Simon is senior medical director at CSL Behring, a biotherapeutics company that is a world leader in fractionation of plasma for blood derivatives. He has previous experience in both blood centers and transfusion services and did research in transfusion medicine for many years at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and has most recently been a consultant to the NIH REDS II program. He is a past president of AABB and America’s Blood Centers. He served on the American Board of Pathology Transfusion Medicine Test Development and Advisory Committee for over 25 years and is currently in his second term as Inudstry Representative on the FDA Blood Products Advisory Committee. Dr. Jeffery McCullough is professor of laboratory medicine and pathology at the University Of Minnesota School Of Medicine where he has been since 1978 including service as Medical Director of the hospital blood bank.. He directed the entire American Red Cross Blood Program in the past and has also served as President of the American Board of Pathology and several terms as editor of Transfusion. He has directed national research programs and published extensively including a single authored book in Transfusion Medicine published by Wiley. Dr. Edward Snyder is professor of laboratory medicine at Yale University School of Medicine. He also serves as associate chair of his department for clinical affairs and director of apheresis/transfusion service and blood bank. He was an editor of the third and fourth editions of this text. He is a past-president of AABB. He has published extensively and is currently an investigator in the NIH REDS III project. Dr. Bjarte Solheim is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Immunology at Rikshospitalet University Hospital and University of Oslo School of Medicine in Oslo, Norway. He was an editor of the fourth edition and was instrumental in making this text an international one by recruiting many European authors. While officially retired, he remains active in clinical and research aspects of transfusion medicine. Dr. Ronald Strauss is Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Pediatrics at the University Of Iowa School Of Medicine. Since his retirement from Iowa he has remained active in transfusion medicine research and has also been serving as associate medical director of LifeSource/Institute of Transfusion Medicine in Chicago. He serves on the American Board of Pathology Transfusion Medicine Test Development and Advisory Committee. He has a long research career with several NIH grants and roles in national research studies. He was an editor of the third and fourth editions. Read more
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