[PDF] Patho Phlash! Pathophysiology Flash Cards, 1st Edition (2011) by Valerie I. Leek



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 29.08 MB
  • Authors: Valerie I. Leek


Featuring a superb compilation of chapters on endocrinology that appear in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Eighteenth Edition, this concise, full-color clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field backed by the scientific rigor and authority that have defined Harrison’s. You will find content from renowned editors and contributors in a carry-anywhere presentation that is ideal for the classroom, clinic, ward, or exam/certification preparation.


Maybe it was more “current” in 2015, but it’s not up to date for 2018. As a 3rd year resident, I bought this book to supplement board studying, I now regret it. Some quick examples of how out to date this text is are: it doesn’t mention ASCVD risk, it has LDL goals (which was changed 2014), it says there are only 2 IUD available in the US, there are at least 5, but skyla came out in 2013, so if they had been up to date for 2015, they would have said 3. I know this seems petty, but every chapter I’ve looked at seems to be omitting something important or just seems very dated. They will need to do quite a bit of editing to this book to reflect the current practice standards.

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