[PDF] Temporal Bone: A Surgeons Vision (2013) by Rahul Agrawal



Ebook Info

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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 28.29 MB
  • Authors: Rahul Agrawal


Comprised exclusively of clinical cases presenting injuries to and management of the rotator cuff, this concise, practical casebook will provide orthopedic surgeons with the best real-world strategies to properly manage the various kinds of cuff injury they may encounter. Each chapter is a case that opens with a unique clinical presentation, followed by a description of the diagnosis, assessment and management techniques used to treat it, as well as the case outcome, literature review and clinical pearls and pitfalls. Cases included illustrate different management strategies for rotator cuff surgery, including arthroscopic repair for tendonitis and tears, open and mini-open repair for severe tears, latissimus dorsi and pectoralis tendon transfer, arthroscopic debridement, hemiarthroplasty and total reverse arthroplasty, biological augmentation, and revision repair after retear and infection.


Rudolph’s is one of the best, up-to-date references out there. Rudolph’s Pediatrics provides a thorough explanation of many polymorphism-influenced cycles, and what can go wrong. Transsulfuration is a good example. Working with genetics, it’s nice to find such a complete work. This is not just for med-school. This is for the seasoned doc who is capable of going beyond, and figure out what is contributing to his patient’s cascade of debilitating events associated with an “autoimmune disease.”

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