[PDF] Greenberg Handbook of Neurosurgery 8th Edition (2016) by Mark S. Greenberg



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 55.69 MB
  • Authors: Mark S. Greenberg


From the Author: I was recently asked what the main differences were between the 8th edition of the Handbook of Neurosurgery and the previous 7th edition. While it is easy to point to the new section on endovascular neurosurgery, and to mention the updates in molecular genetics of brain tumors as well as the hundreds of content updates throughout the book, I feel that one of the most significant differences is in the organization of the book. Hundreds of hours of work were spent by myself, Dr. Michael Wachinger, and countless others to reorganize the book into approximately one hundred roughly equal sized sections that would provide a quantum of information that would be meaningful but not overwhelming. The hierarchy of section headings has also been simplified and streamlined. I feel this has resulted in a better organized, more useful reference that will also translate well to digital format. I hope you like it!


This masterful textbook on field of cardiology is 2,600 pages in length, and covers almost every topic you would want to research. More importantly it recognizes that thousands of photographs and diagrams make the text explanations easier to understand. There are two other competing textbooks of comparable length and coverage in the field but their writing style seems far more complex and difficult reading. Dr. Chatterjee is an internationally renowned expert in the field and an excellent teacher. As you would expect from the recipient of the “Gifted Teacher Award” from the American College of Cardiology, Dr. Chatterjee’s presentation on subjects is clear, well organized, and through.

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