[PDF] Cardiorenal Syndrome: Mechanisms, Risk and Treatment 2010th Edition



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 3.75 MB
  • Authors: Adel E. Berbari


Infectious diseases have plagued man throughout history. In the era of modern medicine antibiotics and vaccines brought the hope of liberation from the great scourges of smallpox, polio, and tuberculosis. Yet, in the ensuing decades as we hoped to close the book on infectious diseases, we have instead been confronted by wave upon wave of new assailants. AIDS, SARS, pandemic influenza, and multi-drug resistant bacteria demonstrated how our technological advances have either fallen short in halting or even enhanced the spread of emerging pathogens. International air travel has collapsed geographic boundaries that once confined tropical infections to distant latitudes. Novel forms of immunosuppression, advances in organ transplantation, and victories in the cancer wars have led to an ever-expanding population at risk for opportunistic infections. In this collection of illustrated cases we give a cross-sectional view of the growing challenges that face the infectious diseases consultant. The modern physician is empowered by high resolution imaging and molecular diagnostic techniques that confer diagnostic capabilities Osler could have only dreamed of. Nevertheless we continue to grapple with the timeless struggles illuminated by Pasteur, Koch, and Fleming between man and the microscopic organisms of the world.


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