[PDF] Diagnostic Imaging: of Infants and Children (2013) by Robert Wells



Ebook Info

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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 245.02 MB
  • Authors: Robert Wells


From the publishers of the market leading at a Glance series, and in collaboration with the Association of Respiratory Nurses (ARNS), comes this easy-to-read, highly visual guide bringing together key principles of Respiratory Nursing. Highly visual, each topic is covered in a two-page spread, making it easy to quickly read up on key information and grasp the essentials of respiratory care, as well as a focus on preventative measures to prevent, minimise and control respiratory disease.


Gift to a medical student. Love this, Netter is great, used them myself when it was Ciba collection of anatomic drawing . It allows you to build mental roadmap of anatomy with lots of colour, then you transpose this map on the real life stuff (preserved/live/imaging). Pleasure to use. Only thing coming close is primal (digital).

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