Color atlas of anterior segment of the eye at a glance : Simple ophthalmology textbook about common anterior segment problems () by Zaid Y.Shukur University of Kufa PDF



Ebook Info

  • Published:
  • Number of pages: 273 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 43.77 MB
  • Authors: Zaid Y.Shukur University of Kufa


What made me very excited about writing and authoring This atlas book that contain between its covers pro- fessional photos, is the need to make a book source with high resolution images for the Ophthalmologists for what they are search for, most of us are destitute for a clear image with high magnification for interesting findings to see, in this atlas book the reader will be able to see most Common pathological cases in related to anterior segment cases especially those related to cornea.
I collected them from my office and interestingly to share them with the colleagues in the field and other read- ers who are interested in ophthalmology, the images taken by the slit lamp biomicroscope BQ 900 model from Haag Streit company, Switzerland. The images collected using broad beam views and slit views according to the examination need to each case, to be presented in the right way to the reader in a hope to make him /her more familiar with the most ocular pathologies that are frequently seen on daily practice as they took in a very delicate resolution as he /she is looking through real Time slit lamp patient examination.

This atlas book took 4 years before it see the light, cause there is no time to arrange, or classify the images, but COVID-19 and the lockdown presented me a good time to arrange and go forward to complete it in this manner.
The book contains ( 223 ) images, (240) Reputable and accredited medical references were cited for the purpose of clarifying the theoretical aspect relative to each image in the book.
The book is contains 11 chapters starting from the ocular adnexia containing the lid pathological cases. A sec- tion dealing with the most frequent ocular surface pathologies.Most of the cases delt with were cornea-re- lated so that six sections were related on the corneal diseases starting from corneal pathologies on corneal surface and passing deeper through corneal layers in successive ways, showing most of the pathologies.
Another section dealing with pathological cases affecting anterior chamber, and devices and interventions in anterior chamber.
A Section dealing with iris pathologies, another section concerning the crystalline lens, IOL (types) and their problems and post operative complications, and anterior vitreous face, Last section delt with miscellaneous cases that collected and added recently as appendix.


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