Ophthalmology Review Manual (2011) by Kenneth C. Chern MD PDF



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2011
  • Number of pages: 560 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 328.32 MB
  • Authors: Kenneth C. Chern MD


The Second Edition of the respected Ophthalmology Review Manual provides an organized reference to aid in clinical disease management and board exams preparation. The book’s outline format emphasizes relevant information and facilitates rapid retrieval of key facts.Each section starts by detailing relevant anatomy and physiology—the essential framework for understanding the basis for the related diseases—and then summarizes specific disease entities in outline format, with major features highlighted. Over 200 commonly encountered disease entities are listed, along with corresponding page numbers, on the inside front cover of the book for rapid reference.This practical manual delivers…• Useful appendices address infectious agents, their microscopic appearance, causes and treatment, as well as common drugs, dosages, indications and side effects• Board Exam topics and organization streamline subject review and exam preparation (including all material listed in the OKAP Subject Outline published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology). • A convenient outline format presents relevant clinical information in consistent and concise manner.• Over 350 figures highlight classic findings and important relationships.• A companion website includes a detailed image bank to enhance visual diagnosis of common pathologic featuresNEW to the Second Edition:• NEW contributors share their expertise. •NEW sections highlight clinical trials and state of the discipline


Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This was my primary review book for the boards. With last minute optics and the photos from the path BCSC book, I felt very prepared during the test. I would highly recommend that you read over this book once or twice before the exam.

⭐Helpful when I need to fill in knowledge gaps quickly in spare moments during and after clinic as well as OKAP prep

⭐Overall good book. Neuro is surprisingly very poorly written. Lacks a section on optics. Images could’ve been better. Pediatrics and strabismus section is great.


⭐Good book, five stars. Excellent resource.

⭐I’m only righting this because it was an excellent book. Some of the techniques, pharmacology, and therapy options are out of date, but the majority of information is nice and concise for reviewing

⭐The organization, fonts, and pictures are disappointing. There are some other review books that are better in this regard, but as I have found, all of these review books have errors and none have the attention to detail that you NEED in a review book for the boards.

⭐Livro em perfeita condição. Veio bem encaixotado e coberto com plástico. Livro novo! Aconselho a compra!

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