Ebook Info
- Published: 2013
- Number of pages: 384 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 37.45 MB
- Authors: David F. Chang
While chopping techniques are particularly advantageous for complicated cataracts, they must be integrated with other devices and strategies. Phaco Chop, the best-selling cataract surgery book, has been revised and updated into a Second Edition to reflect the many advances over the past few years. More than half of the 30 total chapters are new. These detail strategies for complicated cases and introduce femtosecond laser nuclear fragmentation techniques.Dr. David F. Chang is widely acknowledged as one of the best cataract surgical teachers. His video instruction courses for phaco chop and complicated cataracts have consistently ranked among the best attended and top rated at the American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meetings for over a decade.The Four Main Sections inside the Second Edition:Phaco Chop TechniquesPhacodynamics of ChoppingFemtosecond Laser Nuclear Pre-ChoppingComplicated Cases and Complications – Strategies and ManagementSection One is a detailed guide for learning phaco chop. The faculty from Dr. Chang’s popular phaco chop course outlines their pearls based upon extensive experience teaching residents and transitioning surgeons.Section Two provides the general principles of instrumentation and configuring machine parameters. Separate chapters specifically address optimizing the Infiniti, Signature, and Stellaris platforms for chopping.Section Three introduces femtosecond laser nuclear pre chopping with separate chapters on the LenSx, LensAR, and Optimedica platforms.Section Four covers small pupils and IFIS, rock hard and white mature cataracts, weak zonules, and extremely long and short eyes with an emphasis on managing posterior capsule rupture, advanced IOL fixation strategies, and avoiding and managing capsulorrhexis complications.Bonus Video Material!Phaco Chop and Advanced Phaco Techniques, Second Edition includes instructional video that complements and supplements the content of the book.With your book purchase, you will receive a DVD that contains 26 surgical videos in high definition 3D format. With the enclosed 3D glasses―learning intraocular surgical techniques is taken to a new level.Additionally, you will receive access to a website that includes additional companion surgical videos narrated by Dr. Chang in 2D format―watch, listen, view repeatedly, and learn the techniques!The narrated videos produced by Dr. Chang illustrate advanced surgical techniques and technologies. Together with over 400 high-resolution operative photographs, this paired format overcomes the limitations of learning new and advanced surgical techniques from written text alone.With its comprehensive and integrated emphasis on advanced surgical techniques, optimizing phaco technology, and complication management, Phaco Chop and Advanced Phaco Techniques: Strategies for Complicated Cataracts, Second Edition will appeal to residents and transitioning surgeons as well as high volume surgeons interested in honing their most advanced phaco skills.
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐A classic.
⭐very costly
⭐Oustanding tips and pearls!A must read for those who wish to take the next step in improving your arsenal in cataract extraction!
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