Ebook Info

  • Published: 2018
  • Number of pages: 260 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 6.66 MB
  • Authors: Tien Yin Wong


Practical Guide to VIVA and OSCE in Ophthalmology Examinations is an essential study guide presented in a direct, exam-style question-and-answer format. It combines detailed explanations with high quality clinical photographs tailor-made to help readers ace specialist oral examinations (MMed, MRCS, FRCS, FRCOphth, FAMS, FRANZCO). Co-authored by ophthalmology trainees who took the final MMed and FRCOphth (Oral) in 2016 and 2017, this is a book written by trainees, for trainees, with prominent author contribution by Prof Wong Tien Yin. This book provides invaluable guidance to readers in presenting their answers in a logical, succinct and elegant manner.Practical Guide to VIVA and OSCE in Ophthalmology Examinations aims to complement the book titled The Ophthalmology Examinations Review by Prof Tien Yin Wong to guide candidates onto the path of success in examinations. This book illustrates the answering techniques employed during examinations, utilizing clinical photographs accompanied by a full template answer script of various high yield conditions. The style and format has been intentionally designed to simulate examination conditions and to provide candidates with ample practice in preparation for the examination. Most major ophthalmic degrees require trainees to take and pass an oral ophthalmic exam. This book fills a significant void in the market for ophthalmic training, where texts combining clinical photos and actual exam answering techniques are severely lacking. Readers will be able to follow the answering techniques and examples provided within the book so as to better cope with the clinical exams. Readership: University students and course facilitators.


Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Practical Guide to VIVA and OSCE in Ophthalmology Examinations is a concise, excellent review manual written by Ophthalmology trainees (with input from experts in the field) for trainees. It contains everything that you need to know for the exams with PEARLS for each topic, well-written scripts for answering common exam questions, as well as beautiful coloured photographs that simulate the real OSCE scenarios. It is highly recommended for Ophthalmology trainees taking the FRCOphth Part 2 Oral, MMed and Exit examinations!


⭐Good and informative. Unfortunately the shipping and handling is very disappointing.

⭐Very nice, crisp explanation

⭐EBOD exams

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