Vitreous Microsurgery () by Steve Charles MD PDF



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 17.92 MB
  • Authors: Steve Charles MD


Written by a pioneering leader in the development of vitreoretinal surgical techniques and instruments, Vitreous Microsurgery is a comprehensive how-to guide to all vitreoretinal procedures. This thoroughly updated Fifth Edition describes many new techniques and refinements of established procedures. More than 170 three-dimensional full-color illustrations—many by the Charles Retina Institute’s resident medical artist, Byron Wood—enable surgeons to clearly visualize the techniques.This edition has new chapters on the Constellation vitrectomy system, uveitis, retinal complications of permanent keratoprosthesis, and anti-VEGF therapy. All illustrations have been updated, the majority to a 25-gauge approach instead of 20-gauge, and many new illustrations have been added. Many techniques and parameters unique to 25-gauge sutureless vitrectomy are discussed in detail. The retinopathy of prematurity chapter was completely rewritten to address new examination procedures, laser guidelines, anti-VEGF therapy, and changing, more conservative indications for surgery. The section on anesthesia for vitreoretinal surgery was completely rewritten in collaboration with Gary Fanning, MD and Jay Mattingly, MD, leading experts on this subject from an anesthesiologist’s perspective.The focus of the text is on the decision making process a surgeon goes through in evaluating the best course of treatment for his/her patient undergoing vitreous surgery. The book describes in detail clinically proven methods of managing the anterior and posterior segment vitreous surgery patient in a systematic manner. The text is organized in a building block approach with general methodology preceding its application to specific disease states. The book stresses algorithms for intra-operative decision making, relying on knowledge of physical principles and performed in the order of ascending risk.A companion website included with purchase offers the fully searchable text and an online image bank.


Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This is an excellent and very practical text on the subject. It covers everything from the basics to high level detail on technical aspects of how to overcome problems which those of us face in this area. Being written by arguably the world’s most experienced and respected vitreo-retinal surgeon, it is a gold mine of gems and short cuts which Steve Charles has evolved over many years of research and passed on to the reader. This edition is up to date with the latest information and technology on everything from 25 gauge vitrectomy to anti-VEGF’s, and it is both easy to read and well referenced.

⭐Dr. Charles is very candid regarding his opinions on various subjects. The book is well written but wordy at times. The organization is pretty good. The discussions are primarily based on his own clinical experience although there is mention of study results. I particularly liked many of the illustrations, which I have seen in chapters of other retina texts that Dr. Charles has co-authored. For those pursuing retina, this book is an excellent introductory text.

⭐Vitreous Microsurgery is an useful book for both novice and more experienced retinal surgeons. This updated Fifth Edition describes many new techniques and refinements of established procedures. It shows you in a very practical way how to do it. It provides you with the practical tricks and pearls which improve your technique.

⭐I am a vitreoretinal surgical fellow, and I was looking for an introductory text to vitreous surgery. This book was adequate for that purpose. The fundamental concepts are clearly and concisely described, and at just over 200 pages with excellent illustrations, it’s worth the read. However, it is not a book I would keep as a resource. Though Dr. Charles is eminently qualified to write this book, he need not continually describe how he benefited the vitreoretinal community with his contributions. He gives the perception that all surgical problems can be solved solely with his method. To add weight to his arguments, he quotes surgical statistics that are impressive but not entirely honest. For instance, he describes that he created no posterior retinal tears with his “inside-out” method of peeling epiretinal membranes and compares this to the 6-7% rate of retinal tears in the literature. However, he is comparing posterior tears to any tears, and he freely admits he has a 6-7% rate of postoperative retinal detachment, which must have come from intraoperative peripheral retinal tears. His bias is clearly towards Alcon products, and it is well known that he receives considerable compensation from them for his support of 25 gauge technology.In conclusion, at $200 it’s worth your time but not your money. Much of the same information can be found in the 3rd volume of Stephen Ryan’s Retina.

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