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It has proved to be a very helpful and a very popular book for the budding General Practitioners, and a handy reference book for the seniors. In recent years, the speed with which Medicine is progressing has been amazing. The therapeutics have changed. The concepts of treatment of some diseases have changed. I have tried to keep pace with these changes in the new edition. The Drug index is thoroughly revised to include newer drugs now available in the Indian market. All the therapeutics have been revised and updated. The changes will be most noticeable in the chapters like Pediatrics, Gynaecology & Skin diseases, And in topics like Asthma, Angina, Gastroenteritis, IBS, Emphysema, Osteoporosis, Hyperlipidemia, Alzeimer’s, Parkinson’s etc. And there is ‘something more’ for the fresh graduates: A new section is added for the beginners titled ‘Instant Relief’. The patients come to a General Practitioner for Instant Relief from their symptoms. So it forms the heart & soul of General Practice. This chapter is a short basic introduction to General Practice, which will give confidence to the newly passed out doctors & interns to tackle the common cases. And the most wonderful new feature of this fourth edition is the unique CD with this book. – In the first section of the CD, there is a series of my lectures on about 25 important topics, which will help the fresh graduates to understand the essence of General Practice better. The motto of the lectures remains the same as the book – Guidance on practical problems faced in day-to-day practice. I hope that the readers will enjoy the lectures. – The second section is a ‘Photo Atlas’, a presentation of select Clinical photographs that I have recorded over last 26 years. Over 400 pictures, relevant to General Practice, are shown with apt description, in PowerPoint Slides.


Family Medicine

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