Practice of Ayurveda by Swami Sivananda (2006) Paperback (2006) by Swami Sivananda PDF



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2006
  • Number of pages: 286 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 5.4 MB
  • Authors: Swami Sivananda


Ayurveda is the Veda or knowledge of Ayus or Life.It has been clled tas the fifth Veda.There are three main branches of Ayurveda and they deal with causes,symptoms and treatment of diseases.Ayurveda serves as the best guide for the healthy as well as for the sick. Charaka,Sushruta,Vaghata,Madhava and Sarangadhara were the great Rishis or Fathers of Ayurvedic medicine.They were Yogis and and had great power of observation,generalization and analysis.Their students made wonderful researches.India’s fertility for medical herbs and plants contributed a great deal to the prosecution of their study of medicine. The principles of Ayurvedic treatment,in the main,are the same as that of allopathic treatment.They consist of removing the injurious agent,soothing the injured body and mind,eradicating the cause.The difference lies in the methods of detail adopted by different systems.Besides,in Ayurveda great importance is given to the study of the various stages of variation of the three


Editorial Reviews: About the Author India has produced many many Sages and Saints to explain what Hinduism stands for and needless to say every one of them did a great job..many names come to mind,Swami Vivekananda,Sri Ramana Maharshi and many many others.Swami Sivananda has his own place among these greats and his thoughts,elucidations and commentaries on the great subject of Hinduism earned him a permanent and fond place in the hearts os the “seekers”.A Medical Practitioner by profession,he renounced the profession and pursued the path of spirituality and at an young age set up the Sivananda Ashram.Attracting many contemporaries and disciples the Ashram grew in size and to-day is one of the most revered institutions. Swami Sivananda’s literay output is great covering the whole gamut of Hinduism. Many of his books are best sellers on amazon.

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