Ebook Info
- Published: 2020
- Number of pages:
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 4.65 MB
- Authors: Amjad Mahmood
SORT ProgrammeA Structured Orthodontic Resident’s TrainingProgrammeA structured training programme is presented here,which is intended for any four-year postgraduate degree/ diploma inOrthodontics. A total of VIII modules have been developed, each of six monthsduration and the whole course is divided in these VIII modules. Its first four modulesare structured in a way that they can be used for any two-years trainingprogramme.The programme has been devised in a structured format,whereby, the whole training is patient-centered and follows the actualtreatment sequence. Module-I is about activation of prior knowledge of basicmedical and dental sciences and attainment of basic clinical knowledge andskills to prepare the residents for an empathetic patient care. Real patientencounter starts in Module-II and from here onwards, all areas of respectivemodules are according to treatment requirements at different stages. Eachmodule has six distinct areas, i.e., Learning Objectives, Topics to be Covered,Reading List, Table of Specifications, Assessment Methods and Check List. After successfuladoption of this modular form of teaching, residents should attain theappropriate knowledge, proper attitudes and basic skills of orthodontics. Thisprogramme also enables the resident to develop a sense of professionalism,knowledge about medical ethics, scientific attitude, an inquisitive mind and aquest for research and Continuing Professional Development. A modular form ofpostgraduate training in orthodontics is suggested with an intention tostandardize Orthodontic training across the country.
Editorial Reviews: About the Author Prof Dr Amjad Mahmood graduated from de’Montmorency College of Dentistry/Punjab University, Lahore, in 1983. He did his fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK, in 2002. He has been involved in undergraduate and postgraduate training for more than 20 years. Currently he is working as Principal &Dean, Margalla College of Dentistry, Rawalpindi.He is a member of WFO (World Federation of Orthodontist). He is founder member and past president (two tenures) of PAO (Pakistan Association of Orthodontists). He was the founder editor-in-chief of POJ (Pakistan Orthodontic Journal).He is undergraduate & postgraduate examiner for many universities and examining bodies of Pakistan, including CPSP (College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan). He is member faculty of Orthodontics of CPSP, Foundation University, Islamabad and ZAB Medical University, Islamabad. He is also member of Academic Council and Board of Studies of University of Health Sciences, Lahore. He has many publications to his credit and has also supervised more than 20research works and dissertations. He remained the Chairman, Research &Ethics Committee of Margalla Institute of Health Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan for more than five years. He has attended many national and international conferences, workshops and courses. He has also lectured and conducted orthodontic courses in many conferences.
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