Ebook Info
- Published: 2002
- Number of pages: 1650 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 140.52 MB
- Authors: David Sutton MD FRCP FRCR DMRD MCAR(Hon) MD MD
Long recognised as the standard two volume reference work on the scientific basis and clinical practice of radiology, the new edition of Textbook of Radiology and Imaging has been thoroughly revised and up-dated in order to incorporate the latest technologies and modalities in the field. This book provides the radiologist in training and in practice with a concise, clearly written overview of the applications of the full spectrum of imaging modalities used in daily clinical practice. The book is organised by body system and incorporates an integrated, multi-modality approach to radiological diagnosis. Throughout, the emphasis is on the clinical effectiveness of contemporary imaging practice and the text is supported with abundant high-quality illustrations.Comprehensive overview of contemporary radiological practiceEmphasises a multi-modality approach to diagnosisHighly selective and current list of references for further investigationAbundant illustrations (almost 5,000 radiological images as well as many graphs and tables) clarify and enhance the text whenever appropriate
Diagnostic Imaging
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