[PDF] Pedicon Workshop Manuals-2015(Iap) Mechanical Ventilation (2015) by Anupam Sachdeva



Ebook Info

  • Published:
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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 10.01 MB
  • Authors: Anupam Sachdeva


From a reassessment of osteoporosis to contributing factors, clinical applications of antiosteoporotic agents, and rehabilitation, this book examines various aspects of the disease and its treatment. Edited and written from an orthopedic perspective, it approaches osteoporosis as both a metabolic disease and a locomotive syndrome. As orthopedic surgeons in Japan are responsible for pharmacotherapy, surgery, and pain control, the authors pursue a comprehensive approach, focusing especially on the effect on muscles and on fracture operation rather than expanding the scope to bone density.


Great stand alone book for 10yr board recertification…. But best used in concert with a textbook or subject specific white papers.

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