[PDF] Fish’s Clinical Psychopathology: Signs and Symptoms in Psychiatry 3rd Edition (2007) by Patricia Casey



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  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 1.51 MB
  • Authors: Patricia Casey


Dental photography is an increasingly important part of dental care in general practices, hospitals, and specialist clinics. The uses of dental photographs are numerous, such as monitoring treatment outcomes, educating patients, promoting services, and providing evidence for litigation or regulatory purposes. Essentials of Dental Photography is a user-friendly guide to incorporating dental photographs into daily practice. Containing real-world advice and proven techniques, this book helps clinicians understand and apply the fundamental principles of dental photography.


Dr. Simone Balocco is Associate Professor of the University of Barcelona, Departement of Mathematics and Informatics, and is senior researcher at the Computer Vision Center, Bellaterra. He obtained a PhD degree in Acoustics at the laboratory Creatis, Lyon and in Electronic and Telecommunication in MSD Lab, University of Florence (Italy). He performed a post-doc at the laboratory CISTIB, at the University Pompeu Fabra. Dr. Balocco main research interest are pattern recognition and computer vision methods for the computer-aided detection of clinical pathologies. In particular his research focuses on Ultrasound and Magnetic Imaging applications and vascular modelling.

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