Test Yourself Atlas in Ophthalmology 3rd Edition (2008) by Jack J. Kanski MD MS FRCS FRCOphth PDF



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2008
  • Number of pages: 336 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 63.56 MB
  • Authors: Jack J. Kanski MD MS FRCS FRCOphth


The Clinical Ophthalmology Test-Yourself Atlas new edition is a more valuable aid to examination success than ever before. The topics covered have been expanded, and extra images and questions have been added throughout. The book has been completely redesigned and re-formatted to be more user-friendly, and it now provides a handy reference and revision guide that can be conveniently referred to at any time. A new online website presents all the questions and images in varied formats so you can interactively assess all aspects of your knowledge by the most effective means possible. You can work through questions thematically using the ‘in the classroom’ mode, or alternatively choose the random ‘in the clinic’ mode that mimics the arbitrary presentation of cases in clinical practice. With its variety, flexibility and instant feedback, the online self-assessment tool provides a thorough, challenging and stimulating way for students to review and consolidate their knowledge.• Online assessment presents all questions and images in interactive format.• Two modes of assessment test all aspects of your knowledge with instant results.• Redesigned with new format and handy trim size• Over 1000 colour illustrations, many of which are new.• More questions, more pathology, more histology.


Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐very nice color filled book

⭐Great pictures. Good broad review. Only downside is the online access doesn’t work from a phone or tablet device.

⭐I bought this book as a study guide for my CPOT exam, I’m not sure it’s going to be very helpful for that, however it is fun to flip through!

⭐I can appreciate what the author’s were trying to do here: an atlas in a high yield question book style format. While I applaud the effort, I think the book falls short. The pictures are great but the explanations for these pictures are not adequate to learn a whole lot from. Not as high yield as I would hope, with some odd ball pics that even after you review the answer leaves you scratching your head. The format is also a bit difficult to review in a quick manner as there are too many pics on one page with the explanations all the way at the end of the section. Would like to see a version where the answers are on the very next page so you don’t have to constantly flip back and forth.Overall, not worth the price. I was using it for OKAP and boards and found it pretty useless. The pics are nice though.

⭐Excellent workThanks

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