Ebook Info

  • Published: 2019
  • Number of pages:
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 31.8 MB
  • Authors: C. Dwarakanatha


English 399CONTENTSChapter 1Kayachikitsa-Derivations and definitions of Kaya, deba and Sharira; Body- the product of Nutrition1Chapter 2 Chikitsa-derivation, definitions, synonyms and descriptions of Dayachiditsa6Chapter 3Chikitsa- swarupa; four aspects of Chikitsa; chikitsya-purusha11Chapter 4Vyadhi- Definitions, synonyms and descriptions; Doshas, the intrinsic cause of vyadhi or disease; Vata, Pitta and Kapha-general description; the classification of vyadhi18Chapter 5 Bheshaja-Description; Rasayana and Vrishya; Abheshaja; the elimination of the disease in the ailing and the afflicted; Dravyabhutam and adravyabhutam; Padachatushtaya or the four limbs of Chikitsa35Chapter 6The concept of Ama and Sams; Agni and Pachakapitta; Tikshnagni and Mandagni vis a vis hyper and hypo-metabolism; the for functional states of Agni;Dhatus and Nutrition- Tulya and Vishishta; Amadosha and Amavisha-definitions and description; Vaikarika and Avikarika krimis vis a vis Amavisha; Germs and Disease45Chapter 7Kriyakala-definition and description Chaya, Prakopa and Prashama according to Charaka and Vagbhata; Ritusandhi; Kalaswabjawa and sodhic rythem; the six Kriyakalas of Suhruta-Chaya, Prakopa, Prasara, Sthanasamshraya, Vyakti and Bheda; Analogousmodern developments Single and multiple causation 83Chapter 8 A reassessment of the Concept of Kriyakala-the Concept of Vata; Derivation; definitions and function; Sharira-vata and Lokavata; Sharira-vata and Nerve phenomenon; Nerve- phenomenon and electricity; the physical properties of Sharira-vata; the nature of the Nerve impulse; the Panchabhautic constitution of Sharira-vata110Chapter 9 A reassessment of the Concept of Kriyakala-. The Concept of Pitta; Derivation, definition and functions; Pitta


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