History and Physical for the Pediatric Dental Patient: Establishing a Systematic Approach for Procedural Sedation (2024) by S. Thikkurissy PDF



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2024
  • Number of pages: 174 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 6.28 MB
  • Authors: S. Thikkurissy


This book serves as a quick reference for all dentists who perform physical exam before the sedation and treatment of pediatric patients. In the dental care setting, pediatric patients present unique challenges to proper sedation and management of dental pathology. A prior history and physical exam is often absent. Learning how to properly conduct a history and physical exam on Pediatric patients is an essential skill for dentists, and has significant implications for parents, patients, and our healthcare system. This book aims for a comprehensive coverage of the review of systems, improve patient care and identify possible complications in pediatric sedation.Each chapter will focus on a single system, discussing its important features and difficulties, and highlighting implications for the dental management. The book includes checklists for practitioners as they go through the physical exam of a pediatric patient, and helps to adequately prepare for comprehensive dental treatment. It includes contributions by leading experts in the field and is structured for quick reference making it a necessary tool in every dental office. This book will bridge the gap between the dental and medical professionals when it comes to the history and physical of the pediatric patient.



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